Special Education

Hand holding light bulb

2024-25 Transition Training Series

In-depth look at various transition topics to improve educator practice.


Book Study - "Beyond Inclusion: How to Raise Anti - Ableist Kids"

Group discussion of the book "Beyond Inclusion: How to Raise Anti - Ableist Kids" by Carrie Cherney Hahn


County Wide Behavioral Health Collaborative

County Wide Behavioral Health Collaborative

Logo for County-Wide Transition Committee

County-Wide Transition Committee


START logo

Literacy & Autism: Strategies to Support Literacy Development for Students with ASD

This training identifies key characteristics of ASD that impact literacy and introduces tools that may be helpful.

crisis prevention

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® (CPI) Foundational and Refresher Trainings

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® (CPI) Foundational and Refresher Trainings

Peer to Peer Start Project Logo

Peer-to-Peer Roundtable

Roundtable discussion about START updates and resources.


Promoting Positive School Climate (PPSC)

Promoting Positive School Climate (PPSC)

earth, with chalk icons around it floating above a hand

Special Education Coach Series 2024-2025

Three Day Series for Support Coaches

Ukeru Train the Trainer

Ukeru: Train the Trainer

Train the Trainer event hosted by Genesee Intermediate School District