WIDA Test Administrator Training

WIDA Test Administrator Training This training is for any staff member who will be administering: * the WIDA Kindergarten ACCESS, (9:00 - 11:00 a.m.) * the WIDA ACCESS grades 1-12 (11:00 - 1:00), and/or * the WIDA Alternate ACCESS (1:30 - 3:30) to their student(s). The training will include information about administering the assessment, the technology and equipment required and everything needed for your preparation. At the end of the training, there will be an assessment with a certificate of completion through WIDA.



Name Instructor(s) Location Cost Registrations Days Start Options
WIDA Test Administrator Training Ostheimer, Jennifer Erwin L. Davis Education Center Free 8 / 30 1 1/13/2025 Register
WIDA Test Administrator Training Ostheimer, Jennifer Erwin L. Davis Education Center Free 4 / 30 1 1/21/2025 Register