Implementing Chemical Safety and Storage Solutions 2024-2025

Learn about the requirements and recommendations for safely using and storing chemicals both in Middle School and High School. Some of the items we go over in this workshop includes required documentation of chemicals, who needs to have that documentation provided to them, what is needed if you are using store bought items as chemicals, how to properly store chemicals, and how to conduct an annual inspection. We will also go over required safety equipment for your classroom and for your chemical storeroom. As part of this workshop, if requested, the presenter will visit your school to facilitate implementation or help evaluate your current storage and safety of chemicals.


Name Instructor(s) Location Cost Registrations Days Start Options
Implementing Chemical Safety and Storage Solutions 2024-2025 Pillay, Michael GISD Davis Center - Motivation/Inspiration - 118/119 Free 4 / 30 1 5/22/2025 Register