The Science Standards: Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for K-12 Educators

The goal will be to gain a usable understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards in a way that you can take and apply to your classroom. There will be opportunities to discuss the many different facets of NGSS with your colleagues and gain a deeper understanding. We will go over how to read a standard, how does NGSS relate to the Michigan Science Standards, how to structure NGSS lessons, and how to evaluate assessments and tasks for alignment to name a few. If you have struggling learners, we will delve into how to engage them as well. This is open to educators of all grade levels. Planning NGSS aligned lessons and assessments specific to grade level will be done in the NGSS Alignment Workshops specific to Elementary, Middle School, and High School Science. This professional development can be taken concurrently with those workshops.


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