Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Adverse Childhood Experiences are serious childhood traumas that result in toxic stress that can harm a child's brain. Several studies show that this toxic stress may prevent a child from learning, from playing in a healthy way with other children and can result in long-term (child-adolescent-adult) health problems. However, resilience will trump ACES! Participants will gain an understanding of what ACEs are, learn about the importance of building attachment and nurturing relationships, and begin to change their thinking from "What's wrong with you!?" to "What happened to you?" when interacting with children AND adults who are acting out in unhealthy ways. With brain science as a foundation, learn about how resilience, and a caring, compassionate relationship can make a profound difference in the life of a child and who they become as an adult. Learn how this fits in with the MTSS, and how we can actively create greater hope for all the children in our programs.


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