Healthy, Safe, Engaged, Supported, Challenged!

Five words which describe what we want for every child. This is at the center of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model. One component of this great model is health education. The Michigan Model for Health provides a set of health education activities designed especially for preschool children. They are an overlay for use with various curriculum including Creative Curriculum, HighScope, and Reggio Emilia as well as others. Organized into four units: Social-Emotional Health, Personal Health and Wellness, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activity - the 21 activities are easily integrated into the daily routines for small and large groups. Activity topics include All Kinds of Families, Practicing Polite Words, Expressing Feelings, Germs and Handwashing, Using the Bathroom at School, Trying New Foods, Exercise for Healthy Bodies, and Safe at School and Home, just to name a few. Background information, step-by-step activity instructions, suggestions for scaffolding and extensions, use of music, art, reading and movement make it a fun and easy way to enage students and share information with parents. Participants will learn more about the Whole Child Model and explore the Michigan Model for Health activity kits.


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