Work to improve student achievement
This PL aims to provide K-12 teachers with the skills and knowledge to incorporate reading strategies and skills into subject-specific instruction
Penny Kittle shares writing strategies through mentor texts.
Would you like to know how to access publications such as Dynamath, Jack & Jill, Scholastic News, or Zoobooks for FREE?
A skill that is necessary for students to fully comprehend and talk about text
This session will explore how to teach phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, and phonics in the K-6
FREE eBooks that all your students can access simultaneously from the school building or from home? 2024-2025
This learning is for any teacher K-12, and will include $75 of games to bring back to their classrooms.
Join us for an interactive workshop designed to harness the power of read alouds as dynamic springboards into engaging science activities.